3/18/2025 3:24:06 PM
John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness. He wore prophet’s clothing (II Kgs. 1:8) and ate wilderness food. John the Baptist’s role was to prepare the way for the Lord, fulfilling...
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3/5/2025 3:42:24 PM

Rosa Parks was a lady of courage in more ways than one.
She was born on February 4, 1913, in Tuskegee, Ala. Such a surprise to know that she was born during Black History Month. The United States gov...
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2/11/2025 4:43:47 PM
This is the first in what I hope to be a running series of articles. As the title of the article indicates, my goal is to go back to the Bible for what I believe, teach, and do in my service to the Lo...
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10/15/2024 1:46:12 PM
(The following is a contributed column from Franklin County resident James Bonner, a veteran of state and local politics. He will be an occasional contributor to the FFP to share his unique, and often...
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10/3/2024 3:05:40 PM
Numerous new election laws have been passed across the nation since the 2020 presidential election. Advocates have had close to four years to push for reforms to make elections safer, more transparent...
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9/27/2024 3:13:50 PM
(The following is a contributed column from Franklin County resident James Bonner, a veteran of state and local politics. He will be an occasional contributor to the FFP to share his unique, and often...
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9/26/2024 1:13:20 PM
When my cell phone rang last July showing a number with a 214 area code (Dallas), I was immediately suspicious.
In today's world, unfamiliar, out-of-state calls to our cell phones usually mean one t...
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5/10/2024 2:51:53 PM
“The leader of the band is tired and his eyes are growing old,
But his blood runs through my instrument and his song is in my soul.
My life has been a poor attempt to imitate the man.
I'm jus...
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12/26/2023 5:26:20 PM

How Are You Inspired by America?
(The following essay was written by Phil Campbell High School 7th grader Melodie Riley as an entry in the Veterans of Foreign Wars' annual Patriots Pen Essay ...
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2/13/2023 11:19:49 AM
(The following is an opinion column. The views expressed herein are those of the writer, and not necessarily those of the publication, its employees or affiliates. We invite your response to this or a...
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12/19/2022 5:15:50 PM
Christmas Day is almost here. Some folks are looking forward to it. Others are dreading it. There are even those who have mixed feelings about it. I'm one with mixed feelings.
I'm glad to see the smi...
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9/21/2022 11:45:09 AM
A few of us from our Phil Campbell High School senior class have been talking about having a class reunion for many years.
Some from this “ever-talked-about-planning-committee” are no lon...
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5/9/2022 11:34:53 AM
All employees of the Russellville Electric Board received the first of two 2022 'Performance and Safety Incentive' bonuses last week.
These incentive payments are nothing new—REB emplo...
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10/27/2021 2:17:26 PM
Since his arrival two months ago, Northwest-Shoals Community College President Dr. Chris Cox has been an 'open book' when it comes to media access.
Cox, who started August 17, 2021, is no stranger to...
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7/7/2021 12:19:48 PM
Hi everyone!
I have some exciting news to tell you.
As you know, Phil Campbell and Littleville have closed their senior dances but you won’t have to sit up with nothing to do anymore, oh no!
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