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Honey Do List: Cold drafts cost $$$

Sometimes this column may seem a little repetitive, but I try to focus on projects that are current and will save you time or money, or both, right now. With the cold weather and winds we've had recently, dollars may be flying out of your hands through cracks and drafts in doors and windows.

There are a couple of simple tests that you can do to see if your warm air (and hard-earned money) is slipping away. If you can see daylight around your door frame, there is outside air coming in. A good way to test this is to take a flashlight outside after dark and shine it on the door. If someone inside can see light, you have a draft.

Another test is to take a dollar bill and close the door with the bill placed between the door and the frame.  If you can pull the dollar out with very little resistance, you have a draft. Perform this test at several places around the door frame.

Drafts around doors are most easily and economically fixed with self-adhesive foam tape. This tape is available in several widths and thicknesses, so pay attention to the width of the area you will be sticking it to and also the thickness of the drafty gap you want to fill. If the tape is too thick, the door will be hard to close.  

Drafts at the bottom of doors can be stopped by replacing threshold inserts or installing door sweeps. If the door isn't used a lot, a quick fix is to roll up a towel and place it firmly against the bottom of the door.

Windows that are single-pane (one sheet of glass) and do not have storm windows installed should be insulated with a plastic storm window kit. Some current styles have tape that sticks to the window frame, then sheets of plastic stick to it. After installation you can use a blow dryer to smooth out wrinkles. If panes are loose, replace the glazing or use weather-proof tape around the edges. Heavy curtains can also be purchased, rather inexpensively, to help insulate windows.

Close off any rooms you are not using with curtains or quilts to save on heating expenses, and use energy-efficient space heaters to keep living areas warmer, while turning down the central heat.

Remember, any time you are sealing off doors and windows, never block emergency escape routes.

Most of these fixes are very easy and inexpensive, and the payoff is great. Stay warm, be energy-efficient, save money and remember, help is just around the corner at your local hardware store.

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