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Honey Do List: Asphalt repair

It's a hot and messy job, but if your asphalt driveway is in need of repair, now is the time to do it. Most asphalt-based products require a temperature of at least 65 degrees or more for proper application. Here are a few tips for a good job.

Products you may need include crack filler, bagged asphalt patch, spray-on driveway degreaser, a tamper and a piece of plywood that will cover the largest hole in your driveway. Oh yeah, don't forget some old clothes and shoes.

Prepare by cleaning. A pressure washer is great, but a water hose with a good sprayer will work as well. Spray on asphalt cleaner that contains degreaser, let it work according to the label, and hose it off. You will need to spray out cracks and get loose material out of holes.

Bagged asphalt patch usually comes in 50-pound bags that will cover about seven square feet. Cut the bag completely down three sides and dump the asphalt into the hole. Leave the product mounded up just a bit to allow for packing. You may need a shovel to spread it out a little or to move excess to another hole.

Lay the plywood over the hole and slowly drive over it with your vehicle several times. Be careful and don't get asphalt on your tires or vehicle. This should pack and smooth out the asphalt patch. Some folks like to go back with a heavy tamper, especially around the edges, but this may not be necessary. (Did I mention it's hot while you're doing this?)

Cracks, up to one inch, can usually be filled with blacktop filler from a jug or caulking tube. I think the caulking tube is easier because the jug is heavier and has to be shaken occasionally. The caulking generally dries faster and can be coated with sealer in about an hour on a hot day as opposed to 24 hours with some other products. Deep cracks can be packed with foam filling rods or sand before applying the crack filler.

Now you are ready for sealing. A good quality sealer will have filler in it that will take care of very small cracks. Be sure to stir it well. It's a good idea to turn it upside down for a day or so to allow the settled product to mix in. But be careful. You don't want this stuff getting on anything, as it is very hard to clean off.

You will need an applicator that looks like a squeegee on one side and a short, stiff brush on the other. Don't be stingy with it, and work it into the cracks as you go.

When tackling this project, try to get a couple of days with no rain in the forecast to allow all products to dry and cure out.  Keep all vehicles off the driveway for a couple of days, and you should have a beautiful driveway that will make the whole place look better.

Remember, help is just around the corner at your local hardware store.

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