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Honey Do List: Is your family prepared for severe weather?

As I mentioned last week, we have already experienced a wide range of weather patterns just this year, including tornadoes. We know from past experience that March and April are prime time for severe weather in our area.

Are you and your family ready?

Staying in touch with weather alerts, communicating with family and emergency personnel, and having a plan of action are all important components of your preparation.

Weather alerts can be followed on TV, cell phones and radio broadcasts. A battery-powered radio can be extremely useful should the power be interrupted or cell phone towers destroyed. Every home should have at least one battery-pwered radio with extra batteries on hand. 

Family meetings are very important to communicate emergency plans to every family member. Teach each child according to their age level. School-age children will most certainly be taught many aspects of safety in class. Make them a part of the plan by letting them share their knowledge with you and then customize it to fit your family’s situation. Teach them to make use of safety equipment, such as bike helmets. 

 Make plans to care for elderly family members. Special needs, such as medications and mobility, need to be planned for.

Teach the family the safest place to be in the instance of severe weather. If a storm shelter is not available, look to the lowest floor and most protected place in the home away from windows. 

Severe weather doesn’t always appear at a convenient time. Next week: What to do when caught away from home in severe weather. 

Don’t forget the flashlights, and remember, help is just around the corner at your local hardware store. 

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