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My Take on This: Thanks for making us Number One!

I had never considered how much a newspaper could make such a difference in a person’s life until I became a contributor to one.

It gives the “shut-ins” access to the outside world. It is as close to a human hand as some ever get to relatives again. When a relative is thought about often but seldom or never seen, a newspaper can give them a feeling of being connected. That makes me happy, knowing the people involved in making a newspaper can bring smiles and happiness to someone who really needs and appreciates it.

Upon realizing that, I had to take my wondering mind a few thoughts further. What else draws a person to choose their favorite paper? could it be the phenomenal writers who share their ability to bring to life the local news stories and other articles?

That and so many other reasons are why the majority of readers choose the No. 1 paper, which is the Franklin Free Press. It’s the best choice for hometown news at the most reasonable price. After all, a free paper is the same as saved money in your pocketbook. Who doesn’t enjoy saving money?

For those of you who have family members or friends who have moved away and are so very heartbroken because they can’t read their favorite newspaper, I have some wonderful news! Help is only a website away, and you can be proud of yourself for bringing them a renewed happiness. And, of course, you are very welcome. LOL. I just had to throw that in. It wouldn’t be me if I wasn’t doing the unexpected. Anyway, go online to www.franklinfreepress.net.

Speaking of this wonderful paper, there is no way I would want to miss an opportunity to thank my friends and such a great way of expressing my opinions. You mean more to me than you could ever know.

For my followers, just know that I’m thankful you have enjoyed my past articles. I want everyone to know that this paper nor these people should ever be held responsible for anything I have ever said. There have been many times they have been as surprised as you. Of course, all my friends of many years are never surprised at anything I say or anything I do, for that matter.

If you enjoy expressing what’s on your mind from time to time, then look no further. They would enjoy your contribution. I know there are lots of opinions out there, because many of you have asked me to write your stories for you. Well, I have declined, because your opinion means just that—it is yours, not mine! I would enjoy reading them, so I’m still waiting! After all, even bravery is just an opinion someone has of another person. It just boils down to how much your opinion means to you. After all, I’m sure there have been opinions of my articles that you have liked and disliked. That doesn’t change my enjoyment of putting my thoughts to paper.

Remember, everyone at this paper is very appreciative that you choose us as your No. 1.

Until later…

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