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Honey Do List: Cleaning walls

It’s been so hot that we have kept our house shut up pretty tight to keep the cool air in. But soon we’ll be able to open up the doors and air everything out once again. That usually leads to seasonal cleaning, especially with the holidays quickly approaching.

Here are a few tips to clean the cobwebs, scuff marks and just plain old dust that accumulate over time. 

Start by preparing the space where you’ll be working. Move furniture and other objects away from the walls, or cover them with drop cloths. Remove pictures, artwork, etc., and use pieces of painter’s tape to mark where the nails or other hanging hardware are located. This will help you keep track of where the frames were located and protect your hands from accidentally coming into contact with sharp objects while cleaning.

Lay down canvas drop cloths and secure them with painter’s tape to keep them from moving around. This will keep soapy, dirty water from dripping or running down the walls onto your floor. Avoid using plastic drop cloths, as they don’t absorb water.

Use a duster and/or a damp cloth to wipe dust and surface debris from the walls before cleaning with soap and water. You can also use your vacuum cleaner’s extension wand to suck up dust and debris from hard-to-reach locations, corners and along the trim.

For heavily soiled surfaces or greasy residue, use a slightly stronger approach. Create a solution using a gallon of water and one cup each of ammonia, white vinegar and baking soda. You can also use trisodium phosphate (TSP) to remove tough, caked-on grease and other heavy soils. Just remember to spot-test how it might affect the finish, as it is fairly caustic. Mix TSP powder and water in a bucket, according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

These tips should help whether you are cleaning or preparing for a new coat of paint.

Next week we’ll look at completing the wash job and removing stains and blemishes. Remember, help is just around the corner at your local hardware store.

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