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Honey Do: What happens when the smoke alarm goes off?

Just stop a minute and think about it. What would happen if a smoke alarm sounded in your home? The answer to that question is based on your level of preparedness and how well your family is taught to react in this situation.

The answer should be, GET OUT!! On average, you will have one to two minutes to get to a safe place when a smoke alarm sounds. That means the first priority should be to get to safety.

Last week we covered a few points on how to prepare your household for an emergency fire situation, and this week I wanted to cover just a few more important points. Each family member knowing what to do can mean a saved life.

 1. BE AWARE OF THE SMOKE ALARM. Children should know what it sounds like and what it means.

 2. KNOW WHAT TO DO. Stay calm, stay low and leave the house quickly.

 3. KNOW WHERE TO GO. Designate a special place where the family can gather that is safely away from the house and power lines and out of the way of emergency personnel and vehicles.

Children should also be taught how to dial “911” in an emergency, and every school-age child should know their home address and a phone number of a parent.

October is the month chosen by the NFPA, to focus on fire safety. Visit www.firepreventionweek.org for more information on education, fun tools to teach the kids and fire safety tips.

By the way, have you checked to see if your smoke alarms are operational lately and your fire extinguishers are ready for use?


This week, say “Thank You!” to a fire fighter, EMT or policeman. And remember, help is just around the corner at your local hardware store.

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