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Dale victorious in quest for State Democratic Executive Committee seat

At 81, you wouldn't think Charles Dale would be ready for work. But after his victory in the House District 18 State Democratic Executive Committee (SDEC) race, that's exactly what Dale wants to do—get to work for his party and the people of Alabama.

Dale defeated Rick Neighbors in the HD 18 State Democratic Executive Committee race with 314 votes to Neighbors' 270. HD 18 is comprised of Franklin and a portion of Colbert Counties.

In Franklin County, Neighbors won by a 13-vote margin, 162-149. But Dale's strong showing in Colbert County (165-108) carried him to victory. Seats on the SDEC are elected by House districts, but there is no compensation for serving.

Each House District in Alabama is represented by one male and one femal resident on the SDEC.

Dale is a veteran of Democratic politics whose civic involvement dates back to the historic Selma Bridge Crossing 57 years ago. He's been active in Democratic politics on the local level for years, serving on the Franklin County Democratic Executive Committee.

Dale said his mission as a SDEC member will be one of accountability of elected officials in both parties.

My job will be in large part to make sure politicians in elected positions hold up their end and are there for the people they represent, and not for prestige or their pockets,” Dale said.

With all but one of Alabama's state and federal offices held by Republicans, there's nowhere to go but up for Alabama Democrats.

Our message is still there. It's just that people are looking at things from the Republican Party standpoint,” Dale told the FFP last week. “They're saying the things people in rural areas are wanting to hear. Same with the things Donald Trump is saying. But it's not reality. It's just what they want to hear. They think Republicans will solve our problems but they won't.”

Neighbors did score a political victory Tuesday, as he defeated Rhonda Gore for the Democratic nomination for United States Congress for Alabama's Fourth Congressional District. He will face Rep. Robert Aderholt, the Republican incumbent, in the November general election.

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