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Three-sport RHS athlete touts benefits of fascial stretch therapy

As a three-sport athlete at Russellville High School, Malachi Duncan often pushed his body to its limits.

The 2024 RHS graduate played varsity football, basketball and tennis for the Golden Tigers and it wasn't unusual for Duncan to come home complaining about his back hurting, explained his mother Melissa Duncan.

She took him to several chiropractors and doctors, with varying degrees of success. Eventually, Melissa set up an appointment for Malachi to see Anna Carol Porter, a Russellville practitioner certified in fascial stretch therapy and craniosacral therapy. And the results were amazing.

After that first appointment, if Malachi came home and his back was hurting, he asked for Anna Carol,” Melissa Duncan said. “She's been so good for Malachi. Injuries happen in basketball and football, and fascial stretching helps prevent problems. If your muscles are more flexible, that flexibility can prevent injuries.

She takes her hands and locates where the pain without you having to tell her. I had an injury at work after a really bad fall, so I went to Anna Carol. Within two days, I felt like a new person. I wouldn't be recovering without her,” she added.

Porter owns and operates Holistic Harmony, a holistic health practice in Russellville with a new location in Madison. Porter's services include hypnotherapy, Qigong, craniosacral therapy and fascial stretch therapy.

Fascial stretch therapy can target specific fascia adhesions that occur after injury, surgery, repetitive motion or result from inactivity or poor posture. Additionally, stretch therapy can be effective to prevent injury by keeping one's fascia tissue unrestricted and continuous.

According to the website https://pivotalphysio.com, fascial stretch therapy involves the therapist using movement through a series of stretches designed to unlock tension in the deepest layers of our tissues.

A foundation of the therapy is to target the continuous lines of fascia rather than just targeting individual muscles.

Fascia is the web of connective tissues that penetrate every soft tissue in the body, including connecting tendons and ligaments to bone, and encasing every muscle. The goal is to restore continuous fascial movement throughout the body, eliminating pain and increasing movement and flexibility. From Malachi's standpoint, though, he just knows it works.

Anna Carol helped me overcome any soreness or injuries I've had during sports,” Malachi said. “She helped me through lower back pains that I've been having since middle school. I went to chiropractors and still believe Anna Carol did the best job.”

Whether you're a multi-sport high school athlete or a senior citizen, stretch therapy is vital to increase mobility and flexibility. When stretching is done by a therapist like Porter, a greater range of motion is achieved compared to attempting to stretch the same body part on your own.

Medical studies show we lose approximately 10% of our flexibility every 10 years, but regular fascial stretch therapy can offset that loss, help improve posture, sleep and overall health.

Calen Bragwell, Duncan's older son, owns and operates the Dawg House, a gym in downtown Russellville. Bragwell, a personal trainer, has also benefited from fascial stretch therapy helping him recover from a chronic back injury.

I had been struggling with a nagging back injury where I always felt super tight anytime I'd sit for long periods of time, so finally I contacted Anna Carol,” Calen said.

After just one session with her, my back was feeling brand new and I was no longer getting near as stiff. Anna Carol's technique is second to none and I would recommend her to people who struggle with all kinds of things, whether it be muscle tightness or even anxiety. Her practice can surely help them,” Bragwell added.

Craniosacral therapy involves Porter using gentle placement of her hands to release tension in the body's connective tissue, or fascia. Craniosacral therapy leads to tension relief that can also help other connected parts of the body function more effectively.

Anna Carol is amazing. When I first saw her, I had so much pain I was sleeping in a recliner and I could barely get on the table in her office,” Melissa said. “She really has magical healing hands and is excellent at what she does.”

For more information on fascial stretch therapy, craniosacral therapy or any other services provided by Porter, call 256-668-2830 or visit her Facebook page by searching Holistic Harmony.AC.


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