The Russellville City Council took another major step forward in the city's plans to build a $3.892 million public library and media center behind Russellville City Hall.
U.S. Rep. Robert Aderholt secured the project funds as part of the U. S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations for FY2024.
The library/media center will be constructed on a lot located east of Russellville City Hall. That land was donated by the Norris family with the specific condition it be used to construct a new library for the Russellville community.
On Monday, the council authorized Mayor David Grissom to enter into a contract with the architectural firm of Create Architects, Inc., in Florence. Russellville native Jill Harper Andrews is one of the principals of the five person firm.
Civil Group, LLC, of Muscle Shoals will serve as the project's civil engineering firm. Mechanical and electrical engineering duties will be vested with OLG Engineering in Tullahoma, Tn.
The compensation to Create Architects, Inc., is $250,000, according to terms of the contract.
The contracting of the project's architect came as great news to Russellville Public Library Director Joshlynn Bowen and the Russellville Library Board.
“We're excited for yet another step and more progress being made toward the opening of our new library. I appreciate our elected officials' diligent work on making this long term dream a reality for our community,” Bowen said on Monday.
Grissom, who has worked diligently the past three years to secure funding for the project, said he's excited about moving forward with the project architect.
“We are drawing closer to this great addition to our downtown district in the City of Russellville,” Grissom said.
In other agenda items at its March 3rd meeting, the council:
--accepted a high bid of $1,010 for a 2002 Chevrolet Impala and 2007 Ford F150, previously declared surplus property, from Tracy Terrell.
--appointed Dr. Tim Guinn, Dr. Natalie Bendall and Ryan Freeman to the Riverbend Board of Directors.
--approved a request from Russellville Housing Authority Director Omar Tompkins for the City of Russellville to waive RHA's PILOT fees, or payment in lieu of taxes on any property taxes that may become due for the Authority.
--declared a 2012 Dodge Ram truck surplus.
The next regular meeting of the Russellville City Council will be Monday, March 17, with work session at 6 p.m., and meeting to follow.