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TVA Natural Resources Management conducting prescribed burns through next month

TVA Natural Resources Management has begun its prescribed fire program on public lands in Alabama and prescribed burns will take place through mid-April.

This week, burns may be carried out in Lawrence, Limestone, Marion, and Marshall Counties. All prescribed fire use is subject to favorable weather conditions and the availability of fire personnel.

The planned time for burning is 9:00am – 4:00pm.

Prescribed burns, sometimes referred to as controlled burns, are valuable tools to protect and improve natural resources. They can help maintain and establish wildlife habitat, and reduce thatch and leaves that help fuel wildfires. Burns also stimulate the growth of desirable vegetation and recycle nutrients back into the soil.

TVA often conducts prescribed burns in partnership with various state agencies and organizations, including preparation and implementation of the burns. Before any burn is conducted, a prescribed burn plan must be completed which outlines objectives, required resources, fire operations, and weather parameters which must be adhered to.

In addition, TVA obtains any applicable permits and notifies the respective county dispatch before any burning is initiated.

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