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County Commission approves bid for bridge painting project

The painting of six Franklin County bridges will begin soon after the Franklin County Commission approved a bid March 17th from a company in Tarpon Springs, Fla.

Seminole Equipment's bid of $632,764 was the lowest competitive bid received for the project, which will entail painting steel support beams on the bridges as a method of rust prevention. The project, according to the bid, will involve sand blasting, painting and adding a protective enamel coat on the bridges.

In other agenda items at the March 17th meeting, the commission:

--approved an agreement with the Franklin County District Attorney's Office to maintain the financial books for the District Attorney's Pre-Trial Diversion Fund, a program designed to provide alternatives to prosecution for criminal defendants who meet certain conditions. The commission will receive $600 per year as an administrative fee. The six-month period runs from February 21, 2025, through September 30, 2025, but will be 12 months in duration after that.

--approved a contract with Pinkard Funeral Home to house the county's mortuary cooler, which was previously located at Akins Funeral Home.

--approved hiring Austen Stafford as a Roadway Maintenance Technician III in the Franklin County Highway Department.

--approved a termination of Michael Yancey, Corrections Officer/Dispatcher with the Franklin County Sheriff's Office, the resignation of Regina Cantrell, School Resource Officer at Belgreen School, authorized advertising for the position, promoted Heath Boyles from Corrections Officer/Dispatcher to Sergeant, hired Jason Wilds and Zachary Booth as Deputies.

--approved the transfer of Heather Holden to Non-Certified Mapper in the Franklin County Revenue Commissioner's Office, authorized advertising for a Tag/Title Clerk and approved hiring Ella Franks as a temporary Tag/Title Clerk.

--moved back the deadline to submit bids on new scales at the Franklin County Landfill to April 3, 2025.

--appointed Deborah Wilson to the Riverbend Center for Mental Health Board of Directors.

--appointed Grant Atkins to the Franklin County Archives and Research Center Board of Advisors.

--approved splitting a reimbursement with the Franklin County Development Authority owed to the State of Alabama for overpayment of severance tax proceeds in the amount of $107,000. The county and FCDA will each reimburse $53,500.

--approved contracts with five municipalities in Franklin County for use of poll pads ($150/pad) and handicapped voting machines ($250/machine) for the 2025 Alabama Municipal Elections.

--amended the county's retiree health insurance reimbursement policy to provide that employees who retire with at least 10 years of service with Franklin County are eligible to $600/month in health insurance coverage reimbursement for individual coverage, up to three years from the date of retirement. Such reimbursement shall end after three years, or if the retiree becomes Medicare eligible. The employee must submit a monthly invoice to the Franklin County Commission showing the itemized cost of his or her individual health coverage within 30 days or it shall not be reimbursable.

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