Alabama is in a budget crisis, and the legislature has met in special session to find a solution not only once but for a historic second time. Many Franklin County high school seniors are studying government/economics this semester, and the legislature’s second session presented a special opportunity for the Tharptown High School senior class.
“When I found out there was going to be a second secession of the legislature, I quickly put in a request to go to Montgomery and visit,” said Bart Moss, senior government/economics teacher at Tharptown. “It’s usually very crowded when the session meets in the spring, but this second session gave our students a chance to go and have more of an insider’s view.”
To start off the visit, the students met with Alabama’s Secretary of State, John Merrill. They met in his office, where he talked to them about the importance of voting and registering to vote. September is being recognized as Alabama’s Voter Registration Month, promoted by the Alabama Secretary of State’s office.
Merrill gave the class a tour of the capital and showed them his collection of political memorabilia he has gathered over his lifetime in politics. During his 2014 campaign, Merrill visited Tharptown High School and spoke to the student body.
“John has always been very gracious with his time visiting with the students and me,” Moss said. “We appreciate the time he took out of his busy schedule to come speak to us.”
After visiting with Merrill, the students went to the House gallery and watched the house representatives debate the cigarette tax proposal (which ended by it passing narrowly). Sen. Larry Stutts and Rep. Ken Johnson met with students in one of the community rooms and fed them pizza and talked to them about the different proposals being debated and the budget crisis in Alabama.
After finishing lunch, the students went to the Senate chamber and listened in on a debate about the automobile tag tax deferral.
“I had a great time meeting with Senator Merrill and Representative Johnson. It was great getting to learn more about our local senator and representative,” senior Ashlyn Vandiver said.
As the students began loading the bus, one person caught a glimpse of Governor Robert Bentley, and as an unplanned surprise everyone got to meet the governor.
“I really enjoyed the trip. I loved seeing how the state legislature works,” senior Gant Dill said. “It was a great honor to meet Governor Bentley as we were leaving.”
Moss said the students’ experience in Montgomery showed them first-hand how their state government works.
“I love teaching government, but I know real-world situations like this are far more interesting to students than lectures in class and reading a text book,” Moss said. “I’m proud they had this chance to visit the Legislature and see a debate on very important issues that not only affect people of Alabama but these students directly.”