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Russellville 'Main Street Alabama' committee seeking Board of Directors nominees

The City of Russellville will serve as the pilot city for a new program designed to assist Alabama cities working toward designation as Main Street Alabama communities.

Main Street Alabama is a nonprofit organization that follows a 40-year model for community revitalization, particularly in downtown areas. The program uses a four-point approach of organization, promotion, design and economic vitality. These four points work together to help communities build sustainable and complete community revitalization efforts.

Russellville is the first community in a new tier, Aspiring, a one-year track designed to help communities that have already applied for designation as Main Street Alabama cities. Requirements to be in the Aspiring tier include hiring a part-time director, attending Main Street Alabama training events and tracking the economic impact of the focus area, in this case downtown Russellville.

City officials applied to become a Main Street Alabama community in 2016. Since that time, downtown Russellville continues to undergo improvements that include streetscaping, the addition of eight loft apartments, a five-room boutique hotel and an anchor restaurant.

Trisha Black, Main Street Alabama Assistant State Coordinator, said 32 Alabama communities have earned Main Street designation. Black said Russellville and communities in the Aspiring tier will progress “much further down the path” toward MSA designation.

The next step will be a community meeting, set for 6 p.m., Tuesday, September 6, at the Roxy Theatre. This public meeting will inform participants about Main Street's Four Point Approach, and those who attend will have input into activities and projects for Russellville's downtown district.

Black said the meeting will be an opportunity for citizens who want to volunteer for the Main Street effort to sign up.

Downtown is one area most people agree needs to be a shining star of a community,” Black said. “It's that one place unique to that city. It's important that people understand we need those businesses to be strong and thriving. We want them to do what they do best—keep their doors open. Main Street has programming to get more people downtown. Therefore, that makes those businesses more successful and attractive, which leads to more businesses moving downtown,” she added.

Russellville's downtown decline followed the path of many small communities. What once was a thriving downtown that served as the trade center of the community saw a gradual decline as businesses moved out to new highways where cars were zipping by, Black explained.

The reason why the national Main Street Center developed this four-point approach is because downtowns were shuttering up because of urban sprawl,” Black said. “They came up with this approach. It's not a quick fix, but it's worked in thousands of communities.”

Applications are also being accepted for positions on the Downtown Russellville MSA Board of Directors. One, two and three year board positions will be filled. Those interested are strongly encouraged to attend the September 6 meeting. Any citizen may apply and a nomination committee, including MSA, will make the selections.

Several years ago, Russellville Mayor David Grissom formed a Downtown Redevelopment Committee. That committee researched Main Street Alabama and decided to apply for Main Street designation.

That committee consists of Grissom, Matt Cooper, Chase Sparks, Julie McKinney, Mitch McKinney, Jamie Harris, Sherry Smith and Cassie Medley.

Through the work of our Downtown Redevelopment Committee, we have made great progress toward Main Street Alabama designation and we are excited about being part of this new Aspiring program that we expect will bridge the final pieces required for our city to earn Main Street Alabama designation,” Grissom said.



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