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Every day we live, work and play in many different environments, come into contact with many people and handle many different types of materials. We generally have little control over the cleanliness ...read more
Live like your income hasn’t changed Dear Dave, I’ll be graduating from college in December, and I’ll have a job waiting for me that pays $50,000 a year. This will bring our househ...read more
Test his resolve Dear Dave, Our son is 27, and he has a good job making $55,000 a year. Recently, we learned he financed an expensive car he’s now upside down on. In addition, he has accumulat...read more
  As a “newbie” in our Franklin County community (I have lived here less than two years), I am looking with a fresh perspective at our society. In doing so, I am often made painfully...read more
A key element in getting out of debt Dear Dave, I’ve got about $3,000 in credit card debt. Would it be a good idea to transfer the balance from my credit card to another one that has a much lo...read more
I know, I know...it’s like 112 degrees outside. But the kids are back in school, and soon the weather will begin to cool a bit and you’ll want to be outside. That makes this a great time f...read more
Why do I need a will if I’m young? Dear Dave, Why do I need a will if I’m still young and haven’t acquired a lot of wealth? Laura Dear Laura, In a case like yours, you don&rsquo...read more
Insurance above and beyond? Dear Dave, When it comes to buying life insurance, should the coverage amount be based solely on current earnings? I have good reason to believe my income is going to inc...read more
When will they stop? Why can’t something be done? How many more lives must be lost. Whose fault is it? These are hard questions, and no one seems to have the answers. But our friends and family...read more
The dog days of summer are upon us. The Alabama heat makes us want to lie in the shade like an old hound dog and save our outdoor activities for early morning or late evening, or this fall, or next ye...read more
Adjust our emergency fund? Dear Dave, My husband and I have been married five years, and we’ve decided we want to have children. We’ve both been working full-time since our wedding, and ...read more
Very soon, many students will be moving out and settling in strange places for the first time as they prepare for their first days of college. Sad times, nervous times, but certainly exciting times. ...read more
Not very many years ago, I remember the first cordless screwdrivers came onto the market. They sold for around twenty bucks, and they made great Christmas and Father’s Day gifts. (I’ll bet...read more
Getting motivated  Dear Dave, My wife is so charged up after reading your books, and now she is determined to get us out of debt. I know this is good idea, but I just don’t have the passi...read more
What a crazy year this has been. Almost flooding in the beginning and then giving way to a really hot, dry May. Now we find ourselves in July,  with typical high temps and spotty showers that bri...read more
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