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Last week we looked at getting ready for some summer fun by cleaning  your deck. As we continue, we will apply sealer or stain to give your deck a great look and protect it for the coming months....read more
Lost and overwhelmed Dear Dave, My fiancé and I just started your class, but we’re having trouble getting our beginner emergency fund together. We both work full-time, and I make $59,00...read more
Your outside deck can be a real center of activity as the warm weather approaches. After checking the structure for stability and safety, a little care may need to be given to the protection and look ...read more
You always need an emergency fund Dear Dave, I’ll be retiring in the next couple of years. When I leave my job, we will have a yearly income of $65,000 through my pension. I don’t think ...read more
The first big holiday of the spring/summer season is almost here. If you are planning outdoor activities, you may need to check your deck for safety, stability and finish. To ensure the safety of you...read more
As Mother’s Day nears, my mind goes back throughout the years, when my mother had to become a “dual parent” upon the accidental death of my daddy. She had to learn how to deal with ...read more
When to start the process? Dear Dave, My husband and I are debt-free, and we have an emergency fund of six months of expenses saved. We’d like to buy a home in the $250,000 to $275,000 price r...read more
There are some things in this world that, it seems to me, have no practical use. Right at the top of the list are fleas, ticks and MOSQUITOES. These three critters have one thing in common...they all...read more
Before or after? Dear Dave, I’ve started following your plan, and I’ve got a beginner emergency fund of $1,000 saved. Now that I’m ready to start paying off debt in Baby Step 2, do...read more
Budget billing for utilities? Dear Dave, I’m just starting my debt-free journey and trying to lay out a budget. What are your thoughts on budget billing for utilities? Ryan Dear Ryan, I thi...read more
The first three months of this year have been about as wet as I can remember. It’s been hard to find a dry time to get in the yard, much less the garden or flower beds. But, maybe, in the next ...read more
Yes, I remember and never shall forget the day of the tornadoes. I remember watching the windows of our building in Russellville, wondering if the wind was going to blow them in on us. I remember hav...read more
I had never considered how much a newspaper could make such a difference in a person’s life until I became a contributor to one. It gives the “shut-ins” access to the outside world....read more
Be intentional with your time Dear Dave, As a business owner, how do you find a life balance between work and home? I have my own small business, and sometimes I feel like I’m putting in too m...read more
Do you know someone who eats like a bird? Well, if you do, they probably weigh about 500 pounds. Birds need a lot of food, and they eat constantly. Their high rate of activity requires a lot of nutri...read more
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