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Be intentional with your time Dear Dave, As a business owner, how do you find a life balance between work and home? I have my own small business, and sometimes I feel like I’m putting in too m...read more
Do you know someone who eats like a bird? Well, if you do, they probably weigh about 500 pounds. Birds need a lot of food, and they eat constantly. Their high rate of activity requires a lot of nutri...read more
As I was writing this week’s article, my mind was thinking of all the subjects I could write about, but my heart kept taking me back to the same one. It could be my mind doesn’t have a mi...read more
Travel expenses? Dear Dave, I’m an admissions counselor for a university, and I make $37,000 a year. I spend a lot of time on the road, and I’m trying to get out of debt, but I have one ...read more
Finally...surely....maybe...Spring weather is here. I know many of you are digging out the mowers, trimmers and tillers. If your equipment doesn’t start, run or idle properly, consider the follo...read more
As I was driving home yesterday from visiting an elderly lady, my mind traveled back to yesteryear.  I might not do a lot of traveling, but I can sure tell you my mind does a lot of it. I though...read more
Preparing for the real world Dear Dave, I’m getting married this summer and about to become a stepfather, but my fiancé’s daughter from a previous marriage seems very irresponsibl...read more
After reading an account of a lady who was seriously injured when a mower her husband was riding kicked up a horseshoe, I thought this would be a timely article. When a person takes hold of any tool ...read more
Time to fix the real problem Dear Dave, I’ve heard you tell people to avoid debt consolidation companies. Why do you think debt consolidation is such a bad thing? Tom Dear Tom, The main rea...read more
When Mississippi governor Phil Bryant signed the Mississippi Broadband Enabling Act on January 30, it was very appropriate for former Alabama state representative Johnny Mack Morrow to be present for ...read more
IT’S HERE! IT’S FINALLY HERE!  SPRING IS HERE! March 20 is the official first day. The temps are rising, the buttercups are blooming, Daylight Saving Time has kicked in and you are ...read more
Finances before (and after) the wedding Dear Dave, I’m getting married this summer, and I’m on Baby Step 4 of your plan. My fiancé is getting on board with your advice, too, and s...read more
Many people in our area commute a considerable distance to work every day, and this can cause real problems when severe storms arrive. Children may be home alone or traveling to or from school. There ...read more
I was called selfish a lot as I was growing up, and we all know that was never intended as a compliment, but I have a different viewpoint on the phrase, “You’re selfish!” I’ll...read more
Play it smart Dear Dave, Recently, the garage where I worked for a long time went out of business. I have a lot of my own tools, and I was thinking about taking out a loan of around $20,000 to buy a...read more
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